Thursday, 22 May 2014

Learning to blog the Daisy Felts way!!

Oh, so a blog seemed like a good idea, but what is it? how do you do it? well lets dive straight in and see what happens - thats the Daisy Felts way!

So, introductions... well I'm Mrs Daisy Felts - this is my cover girl, Miss Daisy Felts, isnt she fab!
Can you tell I love daisies oh, and felt, I love felt too!

Daisy Felts is my page on Facebook:
You'll find all my felty creations there, including these two mischief-makers...

This is Sunshine Daisy and her little friend, Baby Alien, they have all sorts of adventures (and just love to play hide and seek too!) and they 'help' me with my felties too! 

They had great fun last week making up some bookmarks for Fathers Day - what do you think... do you think Dads will like them?!

Well, thats all for now folks, getting my head around blogging may take me some time, but I'll get there (hopefully!) xx